New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Avenida Paulista São Paulo: Ringing in 2020

The end of the year is upon us and to help ring in the new year, Avenida Paulista will host a New Year’s Eve party with music and a 10 minute fireworks display.

Starting at 18:00, there is music from country duo Bimbo and Jhonas, Anavitória and Marcos and Belutti, Lulu Santos e Chiclete com Banana.

The stage is located between Haddock Lobo Street and Bela Cintra Street.

Hello Kitty Restaurant Opens in Liberdade

Hello Kitty fans will want to head down to Liberdade. Japan’s most famous cat, Hello Kitty, is turns 45 this year and to commemorate, is opening a themed restaurant on the top floor of Eat Asia on Thomaz Gonzaga street. Both the decor and the food will be Hello Kitty themed. The aim is to bring a similar dining experience as exists in Japan. The menu will include butter biscuits, brownies, burgers and fries among other items.

The restaurant opens its door today.