Basic Portuguese Words and Phrases

When going on a trip to Brazil, the Portuguese language lesson below has a few basic Portuguese phrases for meeting and greeting and getting around that can help make the experience more fulfilling. It won’t make you into a native Portuguese speaker but they are handy phrases to know as a tourist in Brazil for a few days.


Bom dia Good morning
Oi/Olá Hi/Hello
Tchau Good bye
Sim/Não Yes/No
Por favor Please
Obrigado (male)/Obrigada (female) Thank you
De nada You’re welcome
Me desculpe/Com licença Sorry/Excuse me
Não entendo/Não compreendo I don’t understand
Fala inglês? Do you speak English

Getting Around

Onde é/está Where is
A que horas What time
Quero I want
Onde é a estação de trem? Where is the train station?
Por favor, me leve para este endereço. Please, take me to this address.
Pode me dar um recibo, por favor. Can you give me a receipt, please.
bilhete de ida One-way ticket
bilhete de ida e volta Return ticket
Quanto custa? How much is it?

Eating Out

Posso ver o cardápio? Can I see a menu?
A conta, por favor. The bill, please.
Onde fica o banheiro? Where is the bathroom?
suco de laranja orange juice
café coffee
chá tea
vinho wine
cerveja beer

Asking for Help

Socorro! Help!
Chame uma ambulância. Call an ambulance.
Chame a polícia. Call the police.